Profile PictureDanny Flood

Growth Hacking Coaching, Mentorship & Support

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For 15 years, I've helped business owners solve the biggest marketing challenges that were holding them back.

If you like the information in my books, imagine how quickly you will grow with my mentorship.

Team up with me and let's grow your business together.

Learn How to Execute Marketing Campaigns With Eagle-Eye Precision

The best way to punch above your weight, and quickly advance to a new level (in any pursuit)... is to surround yourself with people who are at that level and make them your peers.

If you're struggling, I'll not only teach you the way I approach marketing but help you to develop the eagle's eye for detecting what's holding you back... and when and where you need to double down for MASSIVE results. 

In many cases, the biggest thing holding us back from success is OURSELVES. Either we second-guess our decisions, or we lack the confidence to take the decisive action that we desperately need.

It's normal for busy entrepreneurs to feel overwhelmed by everything that they have to do and manage. So if you're in this situation, don't beat yourself up. I know exactly how you feel.

Having a mentor can help you create clarity out of the chaos.

I'll also help you understand which things to eliminate and what to focus on to make maximum leverage from your time, money and effort.

This feedback alone is PRICELESS.

From Hong Kong to Hyderabad, Seoul to San Diego... Thousands have come to my live events around the globe and learned from me in-person

Over the last decade and a half, I've launched blogs, published ten books, written (and promoted) several hundred pieces of content, published podcasts, promoted affiliate products, sold my own products, created online courses, written sales copy, created email lists, created huge followings on virtually every channel, produced membership sites, landing pages, done video marketing, ranked websites #1 for competitive terms, and on and on.

I've also honed the best marketing tactics through repeated tests and campaigns working with more than two hundred clients.

You name it, I've probably sold it.

I've marketed every type of business imaginable: therapists, podcasts, eCommerce applications, productized services, wineries, home improvement stores, health coaches, fitness coaches, accountants, construction companies, art galleries, fashion consultants, photographers, DJs, marketing agencies, non-profits, painters, mortgage businesses, hotels, travel agencies, tutors, education startups, graphic design agencies, and so on.

All of this experience allows me to reliably and consistently create successful marketing campaigns with the clarity of sparkling spring water.

I've also gone door-to-door. In 2012, I was the #1 canvasser in the state of Nevada during the Obama re-election campaign, collecting three to four times more signed supporter cards per day on average.

"Though he had the least direct political experience of anyone in our group, [Danny] was twice to three times as effective at collecting signed supporter cards than our other supporters... On the second day of work, he received 8 signed pledge cards on a day no one else collected more than two, and also collected additional information about potential voters that had eluded us on our lists."
-Dave C, Americorps VISTA

Let me help you connect the dots and find the key points of leverage in your marketing (and business).

Having an experienced coach is one of the best ways to shorten your learning curve rapidly.

Whenever I'm beginning a new pursuit, whether its learning a new language, investing, or anything else... I start by looking for the very best teachers and developing a personal relationship with them.

People who have tons of experience helping others like me. And most importantly, people who can explain things to me in terms that I can understand so that I can apply the information to close the gap between myself and them.

Do you want to spend 14 years running a marketing business to learn the long way I did or would you like to shorten the curve down to six months?

Just to START doing what I do, I had to speed read hundreds of books, and study from the most hallowed legends in the marketing and digital marketing world. 

David Ogilvy. Claude Hopkins. Robert Cialdini. John Caples. Edward Bernays. Gary Bencivenga. Dan Kennedy. Gary Halbert. Eben Pagan. Mike Koenigs. Just to name a few...

I have also personally interviewed hundreds of the hottest marketers, growth hackers, and entrepreneurs who are dominating their niche markets RIGHT NOW on my podcast... People like Tom Morkes, Dan Norris, Austen Allred, Vin Clancy, Dave Chesson, and many, many others...

Whether you're new to marketing, or simply want to reach a higher level, I can help you get up to speed quickly by by sharing with you all of this collective experience.

And I'll also help you avoid royally screwing things up.

But if you do make a mistake, I got your back... And you'll have a steady hand to help you get things back on track. 

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when they dabble in marketing is to fall prey to the "shiny object syndrome."

They see the latest trend, perhaps reading about it on a big marketing blog, and think if they just jump in, they will reap the benefits.

But this isn't how marketing works.

Unless you have the right system... and strategy in place... and are completely confident that it is DEAD ON, then no tool, app, or "growth hack" is going to help.

Think about it...

If you can't call up one of your best friends and convince her to buy your product, what good is it to scale your offer and promote it to 10,000 people you don't even know?

It seems like INSANITY doesn't it?

And yet that's what so many business owners do.

I constantly update my students with best practices, new growth hacks, and marketing techniques that I'm using successfully managing dozens of client campaigns in my own businesses. Only members of my mentorship program will receive these insider trade secrets.

This is now YOUR time to take things to the next level.

Note that I do not have any "magic pills" to offer you. But I can give you a clear, simple, fluff-free strategy to support your business' growth.

Your Journey to Growth Begins Here!

I'm only willing to invest my time in dedicated, hardworking entrepreneurs who are willing to learn... and take action. All the best things I did in my life were things that I did in opposition to pessimists who told me that I couldn't do, or shouldn't do them.

If that sounds like you... Then let's connect immediately. I'm on your team, starting today.

• Increase your business' efficiency and speed
Corner your niche and dominate
• Learn the secrets of engagement and viral growth
• Understand and master the 4 critical metrics that explode your profits
• Create never-ending streams of leads and users

• Learn the secret language of sales

These are just a few of the things you'll get when we work together.

You must be committed, hungry, passionate -- and ready to grow

For all the doubters, the pessimists, the people who look to "groupthink" to assess what's "realistic" -- it probably won't be a good fit for us. 

I've reached the point in my life where I only have time for people who THINK BIG. I don't have time for "realistic" people to hold me down or keep me in place. I want GROWTH. I want it every single day, and every week.

To that end, I assess people I'm talking to before I work with them to see if they have the right "tools" --and especially the mental thought process -- to propel them to success.

If we are aligned as kindred spirits... Then I look forward to working with you. I expect great things from you. And I look forward to working together to help you get there.

Just one idea or strategy that you receive will be worth the cost of this mentorship many times over. Sign up now and let's get started... I'll be closing this offer soon.

"Danny is a wealth of information and energy! He's an important member of our consulting team who always brings results, which means happy clients. He'll help your business gain exposure online so you can stay on top of your competition."

-Jessica M

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Growth Hacking Coaching, Mentorship & Support

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